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Dynamic Planning of Active Distribution Network’s Wire and Non-wire Alternatives Considering Ancillary Services Market Participation

- Citation Author(s):
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- Last updated:
- Tue, 01/24/2023 - 13:41
- DOI:
- 10.21227/b5bf-g097
- License:
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This data provides the simulation parameters and the optimal results of the comprehensive active distribution network (ADN) expansion planning model that includes both wire alternatives (WAs) and nonwire alternatives (NWAs). The primary motivation is to find the optimal sizing and siting of NWAs while considering WAs such that the ADN’s dynamically growing electrical load and electrical vehicle (EV) demand are met while maintaining network limits. Given the flexibility of NWA resources, they can provide the support needed to the ADN (e.g., congestion relief and voltage support) while providing ancillary services (ASs) to the grid. The proposed model is posed as a mixed-integer linear program to maximize the overall profits of the distribution system operator (DSO). WAs considered include adding/upgrading lines and upgrading the substation by installing transformers, while NWAs include sizing and siting of distributed renewable energy sources (RESs), thermal generators (TGs), and battery energy storage systems (BESSs) with considering EV charging stations (EVCSs) supply the EVs. Simulation results demonstrate the financial benefits of simultaneously considering WAs and NWAs. They also verify the feasibility of having the DSO participate in the ASs market utilizing its flexible resources. To further assess the proposed model characteristics, additional cases and sensitivity analyses are conducted.
The Excel file includes all the data used in the associated paper.