Dataset for Human Activity Classification with MU-MIMO BFI and CSI

Citation Author(s):
Khandaker Foysal
Northeastern University
Submitted by:
Khandaker Foysa...
Last updated:
Sat, 01/18/2025 - 15:16
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This dataset offers both Channel State Information (CSI) and Beamforming Feedback Information (BFI) data for human activity classification, featuring 20 distinct activities performed by three subjects across three environments. Collected in both line-of-sight (LoS) and non-line-of-sight (NLoS) scenarios, this dataset enables researchers to explore the complementary roles of CSI and BFI in activity recognition and environmental characterization.


This dataset was developed as part of our work titled "BeamSense: Rethinking wireless sensing with MU-MIMO Wi-Fi beamforming feedback" (DOI:

Please find further details on the implementation of BeamSense here:


 BeamSense Abstract: In this paper, we propose BeamSense, a completely novel approach to implement standard-compliant Wi-Fi sensing applications. Existing work leverages the manual extraction of the uncompressed channel state information (CSI) from Wi-Fi chips, which is not supported by the 802.11 standards and hence requires the usage of specialized equipment. On the contrary, BeamSense leverages the standard-compliant compressed beamforming feedback information (BFI) (beamforming feedback angles (BFAs)) to characterize the propagation environment. Conversely from the uncompressed CSI, the compressed BFAs (i) can be recorded without any firmware modification, and (ii) simultaneously captures the channels between the access point and all the stations, thus providing much better sensitivity. BeamSense features a novel cross-domain few-shot learning (FSL) algorithm for human activity recognition to handle unseen environments and subjects with a few additional data samples. We evaluate BeamSense through an extensive data collection campaign with three subjects performing twenty different activities in three different environments. We show that our BFAs-based approach achieves about 10% more accuracy when compared to CSI-based prior work, while our FSL strategy improves accuracy by up to 30% when compared with state-of-the-art cross-domain algorithms. Additionally, to demonstrate its versatility, we apply BeamSense to another smart home application – gesture recognition – achieving over 98% accuracy across various orientations and subjects.

Submitted by Khandaker Foysa... on Sat, 01/18/2025 - 15:15