Data for Prediction of Sea Ice Motion with Convolutional Long Short-Term Memory Networks

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This is the images and the image masks used in the paper "Z. Petrou and Y. Tian, Prediction of Sea Ice Motion with Convolutional Long Short-Term Memory Networks,IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing."


The dataset contains the images and the corresponding sea-ice masks used in the experiments in the manuscript, for the AMSR-E, AMSR2, and ASCAT sensors. The processed png 8-bit images are provided. In particular:

- contains the data from the AMSR-E sensor:
  - images: the directory contains the brightness temperature images
    Naming convention: AMSRE_YYYYMMDD.png, where YYYY, MM, and DD stand for the year, month, and day of the month, respectively;
  - masks: contains the sea-ice masks (sea ice: 1, non-sea ice: 0)
    Naming convention: AMSRE_YYYYMMDD_mask.png

- contains the data from the AMSR2 sensor:
  - images: the directory contains the brightness temperature images
    Naming convention: AMSR2_YYYYMMDD.png, where YYYY, MM, and DD stand for the year, month, and day of the month, respectively;
  - masks: contains the sea-ice masks (sea ice concentration: 1-255, non-sea ice: 0)
    Naming convention: AMSR2_YYYYMMDD_mask.png

- contains the data from the ASCAT sensor:
  - images: the directory contains the brightness temperature images
    Naming convention: ASCAT_YYYYDOY.png, where YYYY is the year and DOY the day of the year (e.g. Feb 19 is 050, Feb 20 is 051, etc.);
  - masks: contains the sea-ice masks (non-ice ocean: 0, sea-ice: 128, land: 255)
    Naming convention: ASCAT_YYYYDOY_mask.png