The Channel Fading Characteristic Measurement Dataset of the North Campus of Xidian University

Citation Author(s):
Xidian University, School of Physics
Xidian University, School of Physics
Xidian University, School of Physics
Submitted by:
Huan Huang
Last updated:
Mon, 02/24/2025 - 21:52
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The measurements in this study were carried out at Xidian University's north campus in China. The building density and height in this area are typical of urban environments, and there are fewer uncertainties that could affect the experimental results. Figure shows an aerial view of the measurement environment, including the chosen Tx and Rx locations. Centered at each receiver, a square with a side length 15 times the wavelength of the transmitted signal was constructed. The receiving antenna was moved inside each square following the path shown in the figure.


The transmitter was composed of an SMB100A signal generator manufactured by Rohde \& Schwarz and a 30 dB gain amplifier, set to emit a continuous wave signal at 2.3 GHz with an output power of +43 dBm. During the measurements, the TX antenna was placed on a 2.0 m stand, oriented vertically, and kept stationary at all times. For the receiver, the Rx antenna was mounted on a carbon fiber rod at 2.0 m above ground, secured to a cart to maintain vertical polarization during movement. This antenna was then connected to a Rohde \& Schwarz FSW50 signal and spectrum analyzer using a low-loss coaxial cable. The spectrum analyzer recorded the received signal power incident on the RF input port with a bandwidth of 10 kHz, centered at 2.3 GHz. The received signal power was automatically collected and stored on a laptop through local area network (LAN), with 100 sets of traces stored per second. Both the TX and RX used the same omnidirectional sleeve discone antennas with +4 dBi gain (A-INFO model PZ-100800/P).


The dataset consists of two types of files. The first type is a position information record file in GPGGA format, which includes the geographic location of the center point in the area where the receiving antenna was located during each measurement, as well as the location information of the transmitting antenna. The second type is trace data recorded by a spectrum analyzer, stored in a .mat file. This file contains a total of 45 measurement records, organized as a cell array with 45 elements. Each element is a 5000×1001 matrix, representing 5000 recordings per measurement, with each recording containing 1001 points of received power. The spectrum analyzer was configured with a center frequency of 2.3 GHz and a bandwidth of 100 kHz.