5G Positioning Measurements

Citation Author(s):
Politecnico di Milano
Submitted by:
Lorenzo Italiano
Last updated:
Mon, 07/08/2024 - 15:58
Data Format:
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The dataset contains 5G positioning measurements simulated using a MATLAB raytracer tool in realistic environments (outdoors and indoors).
Outdoor scenarios include static and dynamic users in the urban area of Città Studi, Milan, Italy, near the Politecnico di Milano - Campus Leonardo.
The indoor context is reconstructed using a LiDAR acquisition in the MADE Competence Center I4.0 located in Politecnico di Milano - Campus Durandò, Bovisa, Milan, Italy.
The datasets include:

  • Base station (BS) coordinates;
  • User equipment (UE) coordinates;
  • Raw measurements (TDOA/RTT/AOA/AOD).

Each measurement will be marked with an integer timestamp (1,...,1000) and a boolean value (0/1) to indicate if the BS is in line of sight (LOS) or not (NLOS).
The simulations comprehend a plethora of experiments. For instance, a comparison between the different numerologies (0, 1, 2, 3), methods (DL-TDOA, multi-RTT, UL-AOA, DL-AOD), and BS array (4x4, 8x8, 16x16).


Very important information that helps me with my PhD thesis. Thanks

I'll be citing the dataset.

Submitted by Andres Garcia on Tue, 09/17/2024 - 18:59