
CAMARA is an open-source project which is part of Linux Foundation. It aims at defining service APIs by combining network APIs, over an operator domain. CAMARA works in close collaboration with the GSMA Operator Platform Group to align API requirements and definitions, and to publish APIs.
IEEE 5G testbed supports the CAMARA initiative and provides these APIs for data privacy and regulatory requirements and facilitate application to network integration.
CAMARA APIs allow to tackle several types of business use cases leveraging 4G/5G network capabilities.


Microsoft contains a productive tool known as MS Office but the inclusion of VBA Macros inside the MS Office for automation purposes makes it a way for attackers to perform malicious activities. To get an up-to-date dataset, the research regarding VBA macros is still working to find efficient ways to detect it. To perform analysis, the dataset is required which is publically harder to find. To overcome this issue, a dataset is created from VirusTotal, VirusShare, Zenodo, Malware Bazaar, Github and InQuest Labs.
