The provided data package contains Livox LiDAR scan data from the Calar simulation platform, capturing scenarios in three distinct tunnels, each with various obstacles. The dataset includes LiDAR data recorded at different distances from the sensor, . Additionally, the data encompasses varying numbers of obstacles.


This dataset provides wireless measurements from two industrial testbeds: iV2V (industrial Vehicle-to-Vehicle) and iV2I+ (industrial Vehicular-to-Infrastructure plus sensor).

iV2V covers 10h of sidelink communication scenarios between 3 Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs), while iV2I+ was conducted for around 16h at an industrial site where an autonomous cleaning robot is connected to a private cellular network.


Sign languages are the most common mode of communication with and between hearing-impaired individuals. In the Arab world, Arabic sign language is used with different dialects supporting a distinct set of rules for the gestures used. With research on natural language processing advancing, models have been developed to translate sign language to spoken language and vice versa. However, Arabic sign language has rarely been studied due to the lack of availability of datasets dealing with Arabic sign language.
