
A hybrid-field STAR-RIS dataset. we have provided the paired samples for hybrid-field cascaded channel estimation in STAR-RIS systems, in which the data preprocessing and normalization operations have been completed.

The simulation parameters of this dataset have been elaborated in our submitted paper. For instance, M_1 x M_2 = 4 x 8, N_1 x N_2 = 4 x 32, f_c = 28GHz, and Q=N/4.  The  description of each data file is listed as follows.

inHmix_28_32_128_K2_32pilot.mat: the training dataset and validation dataset in the ES protocol.<br/>


A multi-scale attention based channel estimation framework is proposed for reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS) aided massive multiple-input multiple-output systems, in which both hardware imperfections and time-varying characteristics of cascaded channel are investigated. By exploiting the spatial correlations of different scales in the RIS reflection element domain, we construct a Laplacian pyramid attention network (LPAN) to realize the high-dimensional cascaded channel reconstruction with limited pilot overhead.


Power to hydrogen (P2H) facilitates the utilization of intermittent renewable energy, but it also leads to massive energy losses in the form of heat. Waste heat recovery (WHR) for district heating is a promising way to reuse the heat energy that would otherwise be disposed. However, the combination of heating networks and P2H with WHR for improving the operational efficiency of integrated heating and electrical systems (IHESs) has rarely been considered in the existing literature.


- There are six folders corresponding to 6 types of BPPV disorders.

- Each folder has one sample.


Each class is specified by the typical movement of the eye.


+) Lt_Geo_BPPV: eye beats toward the ground, beats stronger to the left side (turn head left).

+) Rt_Geo_BPPV: eye beats toward the ground, beats stronger to the right side (turn head right).

+) Lt_Apo_BPPV: eye beats toward the sky, beats stronger to the left side (turn head right).
