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This dataset provides the data applied in the case studies of the manuscript "Backcasting the Techno-economic Targets For Constructing Low-carbon Power Systems". Both the modified Garver’s 6-bus and realistic Northwest China power system are presented here, in two excel files respectively. The datasets include detailed information about buses, units, existing corridors, and candidate corridors. Average cost variations and load growth rate over the planning period are also provided.


Test systems are important tools and benchmark for power system research. Currently, there is a lack of standard test systems for modern transmission expansion planning (TEP) research, especially under high variable renewable energy (VRE) penetrations. This paper describes a 38-bus test system named the HRP-38 system dedicated to TEP. “HRP” stands for high renewable penetration. The objective of establishing such a system is to provide a consistent platform for different TEP methods to be tested and compared.
