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First Name: 
Islam EL Sayed
Last Name: 
Mahmoud Hassan

Datasets & Competitions

In this work, a multi-agent system for EV charging negotiation and management is designed. It adapts the trade with the EV owner depending on multiple parameters like seller's benefit, supplied energy and buyer's flexibility. The system can be used as a simulation process and also can be applied to a real situation. The results shows better management of the EV charging with a good satisfaction for both seller and buyers


In this paper, a web-based application for DC Railways networks analysis is presented. The paper provides the guidelines to develop an integrated simulation framework containing different elements like server, databases, visual analytic tools using open-source software. In this case, the proposed application allows to design a DC railway feeding system and analyse the impact of the different agents like vehicles, substations, overhead feeding systems, on-board and wayside energy storage systems, etc.


A new dataset to prepare for a new project
