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Received the BSc, MSc, PhD degree in electrical engineering from the Riga Technical University, in 2008, 2010 and 2014 respectively. His main research is focused on methods of mathematical modelling of electrical networks and systems elements; development of power systems planning; dynamic optimization methods and decision systems. Since 2018 is a Research Associate in the Electric Power Systems and Smart Grids group at the Institute of Energy Systems and Fluid Engineering (IEFE) of the Zurich University of Applied Science ZHAW in Winterthur, Switzerland.

Datasets & Competitions

These measurements were taken at the point of common coupling using the power quality analyzer PQ-Box 200, where about 30 EV chargers are installed and exploited by the utility. For this reason, this data set only considers the charging behavior of the vehicles employed by the enterprise, namely the Renault Kangoo ZE and Renault Zoe. The period under consideration starts on 5.11.2018 and ends on 07.01.2020. Because of the large amount of data, values with a time interval of 10mins are extracted and used in this data set.
