E-learning systems

This study investigates the optimization of cross-course learning paths in e-learning environments, addressing the challenge of navigating vast educational resources and aligning them with diverse learner needs. We propose a novel cross-course learning path planning model that integrates resources from multiple courses to tailor educational experiences to individual learner profiles. The model employs a modified affinity function, the item response theory (IRT), and a knowledge graph to effectively match learners' abilities with material difficulties and prerequisites.


The dataset used in this study was derived from data collected from two courses offered on the University of Jordan's E-learning Portal during the second semester of 2020, namely "Computer Skills for Humanities Students" (CSHS) and "Computer Skills for Medical Students" (CSMS). Over the sixteen-week duration of each course, students participated in various activities such as reading materials, video lectures, assignments, and quizzes. To preserve student privacy, the log activity of each student was anonymized.
