Learning Style Identification

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The dataset used in this study was derived from data collected from two courses offered on the University of Jordan's E-learning Portal during the second semester of 2020, namely "Computer Skills for Humanities Students" (CSHS) and "Computer Skills for Medical Students" (CSMS). Over the sixteen-week duration of each course, students participated in various activities such as reading materials, video lectures, assignments, and quizzes. To preserve student privacy, the log activity of each student was anonymized. Data was aggregated from multiple sources, including the Moodle learning management system and the student information system, and consolidated into a single database.
The dataset contains information on the number of learners and events for each course, as well as their launch and end dates. CSHS had 1749 learners and 1,139,810 events from January 21, 2020 to May 20, 2020, while CSMS had 564 learners and 484,410 events during the same period. The dataset is based on the Filder and Silverman learning style model (FSLSM), which captures students' preferences regarding each dimension of the model. At the beginning of each course, students completed the Index of Learning Styles (ILS) questionnaire, a 44-item questionnaire that gauges learners' personal preferences for each dimension by assigning values ranging from -11 to +11 per dimension based on the responses to eleven questions per dimension. The ILS questionnaire allowed us to capture students' preferences regarding the FSLSM dimensions.


The dataset contains information on the number of learners and events for each course, as well as their launch and end dates. CSHS had 1749 learners and 1,139,810 events from January 21, 2020 to May 20, 2020, while CSMS had 564 learners and 484,410 events during the same period. The dataset is based on the Filder and Silverman learning style model (FSLSM), which captures students' preferences regarding each dimension of the model. At the beginning of each course, students completed the Index of Learning Styles (ILS) questionnaire, a 44-item questionnaire that gauges learners' personal preferences for each dimension by assigning values ranging from -11 to +11 per dimension based on the responses to eleven questions per dimension. The ILS questionnaire allowed us to capture students' preferences regarding the FSLSM dimensions.


I am Dr Ali Hassan Sodhro, Senior Lecturer at Kristianstad University, Sweden and Senior IEEE Memebr, I need this dataset for my research so please provide it.

Submitted by Ali Sodhro on Tue, 12/19/2023 - 10:37

I am Dr. Md. Atiqur Rahman, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, East West University, Bangladesh. I am keen on conducting research using this dataset, therefore, I require access to it. Your assistance in providing the dataset would greatly support my research endeavors. My email address is atick.rasel@gmail.com

Submitted by Md. Rahman on Sun, 03/24/2024 - 06:19

My name is Rukshan Edirisinghe, and Im doing my masters at Univrsity of southern Queensland University. For my research I am keen on experimet with the student learning styles. I would be glad if u couldprovide the data set to use in my research. rukshan.edirisinghe@gmail.com

Submitted by Rukshan Edirisinghe on Fri, 11/29/2024 - 17:44

Hi, My name is Oyindolapo Komolafe and I am a PhD student at Western University. My research is focused on Adaptive Learning System that uses a personlization engine for content alignment and recommendation. I would be glad if you could provide the dataset for me.

Submitted by oyindolapo komolafe on Thu, 01/16/2025 - 20:20

Hi, My name is Oyindolapo Komolafe and I am a PhD student at Western University. My research is focused on Adaptive Learning System that uses a personlization engine for content alignment and recommendation. I would be glad if you could provide the dataset for me.

Submitted by oyindolapo komolafe on Thu, 01/16/2025 - 20:21

Hi, My name is Riadh harizi, I' m a doctor an computer science at tunsian University. My research is focused on Adaptive Learning System . I need this dataset for my research so please provide it. I would be glad if you could provide the dataset for me. My email address is riadh.harizi@isimg.tn

Submitted by Riadh Harizi on Mon, 02/03/2025 - 16:49

Hi, my name is Keerthana K. I'm a computer science engineering student at Anna University. I'm working on a project about modern learning styles, and I need a dataset for my research. Could you please provide me with the dataset? 


Here are my email addresses:

- keerthanakathiravan980@gmail.com

- saishreeraman@gmail.com


Submitted by keerthana k on Wed, 02/26/2025 - 04:24


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