Bluetooth hci traces collected on smartphones (btsnoop)

This dataset consists of a collection of Bluetooth HCI traces captured on a smartphone while a smartphone and smart device communicated. 00_raw` contains the raw HCI traces (btsnoop files pulled from an Android smartphone) - each subfolder contains the traces captured during communication between a specific device and its companion smartphone app. `01_processed` contains CSV-formatted files, which are parsed versions of the raw Bluetooth traces. The first row of each file contains the column labels.


The dartmouth/wardriving dataset (v. 2006-06-02)

Location-aware dataset for analyzing the errors in location estimates.


The authors collected the dataset through war driving, i.e., collecting Wi-Fi beacons by driving or walking around Dartmouth Campus, to understand the effect of using estimated AP locations.


MANET dataset of outdoor experments for comparing differnet routing algorithms.

This dataset contains outdoor runs of MANET (Mobile Ad-hoc network) routing algorithms to compare the performance of four different routing algorithms.

date/time of measurement start: 2003-10-17

date/time of measurement end: 2003-10-17


Syslog, SNMP, and tcpdump data for 3 years or more from wireless network at Dartmouth College.

This dataset includes syslog, SNMP, and tcpdump data for 3 years or more, for over 450 access points and several thousand users at Dartmouth College.

Note: This dataset has multiple versions.  The dataset file names of the data associated with this version are listed below, under the 'Traceset' heading and can be downloaded under 'Dataset Files' on the right-hand side of the page.

last modified :


Traces of Bluetooth sightings by groups of users carrying small devices (iMotes) for a number of days.

This data includes a number of traces of Bluetooth sightings by groups of users carrying small devices (iMotes) for a number of days - in office environments, conference environments, and city environments.

All versions of this dataset, oldest to newest: v. 2006-01-31,  v. 2006-09-15,  v. 2009-05-29.

network type: bluetooth


Smartphones perform Wifi scans to adapt to the changing wireless environments causes by mobility. From network monitoring perspective, such scans provide a natural stream of network measurements from client's point of view. In order to see whether such measurements can provide new insights in monitoring large scale wireless networks, we collected the Wifi scan results data, together with other Wifi related logs, from the PhoneLab smartphone testbed over 5 months. All data are collected passively from the smartphones.

last modified: 2016-03-09

