
Design files for proposed prototype
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Figures of Data
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Accurately obtaining the position of active transmitters within an indoor wireless network has promising applications in future wireless networks. However, due to the complex propagation phenomena experienced by signals indoors, classical model-based localization techniques present poor accuracy, and machine learning (ML) based positioning has a promising potential to deliver high accuracy localization services indoors.
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Astrictive-type grippers, which generate gripping forces from adhesive forces at the contact surface such as suction cup, are popular end-effectors as picking solutions because of their simplicity and small working space. However, the adhesive force of the astrictive gripper decreases with increasing complexity of the object surface; thus, its application has been restricted to simple picking of objects with a flat surface. Here, we present an all-round honeycomb astrictive gripper that has an orthotropic surface tension for grasping highly irregular shaped objects with an uneven surface.
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the zip file ''matlabcodeforallfigures'' contains the Matlab code for all figures and one table.
Within which, the data for Figure 5, Figure 7 as well as Figure 9 are generated by the C ++ script in the zip file ''CsciptforFigure57and9'' and its correlated data collected in the zip file ''collecteddataforFigure57and9''.
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This is the result file of the simulation
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This work utilized image recognition technology and beam forming technology to build a phased array with the target tracking and transmitting the microwave with a focused beam. The coordinate position of the target is obtained from the image recognition module and converted into phase information for the phased array. This system was constructed by a 1 × 4 5.764 GHz phased array with four 4-bit phase shifters. The phase shifters formed the focused beam, which requires not only the direction angle of the target but also the transmission distance.
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SSCI data on cultural heritage tourism
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Current quantum systems that are based on spin qubits are controlled by classical electronics located outside the cryostat at room temperature. This approach creates a major wiring bottleneck, which is one of the main roadblocks toward truly scalable quantum computers. Thus, we propose a scalable memristor-based programmable DC source that can be used to perform biasing of quantum dots inside the cryostat (i.e., in-situ).
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