The Kirk circle is a simple and effective method for representing power graphs and visualizing their topology. In general, nodes (buses) in an electrical network are numbered with neighboring nodes assigned consecutive or closely proximal numbers. This allows for sequential mapping of these nodes in increasing order of their numerical labels to evenly spread points on a Kirk circle. In the Kirk circle, the edge connections (branches) between nodes are indicated by straight lines (chords) between the appropriate points on the circle.


ER-SPG is a Matlab code for producing synthetic power graphs using well-known Erdos-Renyi Random Model. It scales power graphs and achieves connectivity in each scale by different approach, and accordingly connected graphs with average degree between 2 to 5 (normally between 2.3 to 3.1) can be produced by ER_SPG with the structures similar to power graphs. It also reorders the graph vertices to obtain consecutive numbering similar to power graphs. This algorithm is also provides locations of zero injection buses (ZIBs) as operational data of power graphs.


This dataset contains the following simulated information of the IEEE 14 bus system: The 24-hour load profile of all the nodes of the IEE 14 bus circuit, voltages and currents measured by the PMUs placed at optimal locations which minimizes the variance on the estimated voltage states, voltages and currents measured by the PMUs placed at sub-optimal locations.


The dataset contains PMU measurements of all ten generators of IEEE 39-bus transmission system model, installed at the generators terminal. The dataset was obtained by using RTDS power system simulator and GTNETx2 based PMUs, and was stored by using Synchro-measurement Application Development Framework (SADF) Matlab library. Dataset constructs in total 86.6s of simulation and 5197 PMU measurements per generator.
