python numpy .npy file

This dataset is the dataset used in article 'A Multi-tropical Cyclone Trajectory Prediction Method Based on a Density Map with Memory and Data Fusion' by Dongfang Ma, Zhaoyang Ma, Chengying Wu and Jianmin Lin. The authors areĀ  with the Institute of Marine Sensing and Networking, Ocean College, Zhejiang University, Zhoushan 316021, China. This dataset contains satellite images, density maps of TC locations and geopotential height maps.


This is the millimeter wave radar gesture recognition gesture dataset corresponding to paper <Gesture Recognition Using MIMO Radar Point Clouds with Targeted Signal Processing for Resource-Limited Platforms>. The file is stored in the. npy format of the numpy library in Python. It contains 4 gestures and 1 unrelated set of data, with a total of 5 categories. There are a total of 6000 pieces of data in each category, and each piece of raw data is packaged in a compressed package. The output screenshot of the script shows the details.
