gradient-based methods

The simulation files are for the manuscript:  A Hybrid-Computing Solution to Nonlinear Optimization Problems. This supplementary material contains simulation files used to generate the results presented in the manuscript. The simulations are performed using LTspice XVII, OrCAD X Capture (PSpice) Professional Plus (2023), and MATLAB R2023a on the Windows operating system.


This is the supporting data sets for the paper entitled “Low-Complexity Gradient-Based Algorithm for Phase-Only Pattern Synthesis”, which introduce a gradient-based algorithm for phased array pattern synthesis with element phase only. The algorithm can be applied to linear and planar arrays, obtaining the required element phases for arbitrary patterns with desired tolerance, and minimizing nulls or sidelobe levels (SLL). The file contains element phases for the results demonstrated in the paper and a script to read the element phases to regenerate the array patterns.
