This dataset includes UWB range measurements performed with Pozyx devices. The measurements were collected between two tags placed at several distances and in two different conditions: with Line of Sight (LOS) and Non-Line of Sight (NLOS). The measurements include the range estimated by the Pozyx tag, the actual distance between devices, the timestamp of each measurement and the values corresponding to the samples of the Channel Impulse Response (CIR) after each transmission.

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[1] Valentín Barral, "Pozyx CIR and range with LOS and NLOS", IEEE Dataport, 2020. [Online]. Available: Accessed: Jan. 13, 2025.
doi = {10.21227/sr92-6s06},
url = {},
author = {Valentín Barral },
publisher = {IEEE Dataport},
title = {Pozyx CIR and range with LOS and NLOS},
year = {2020} }
T1 - Pozyx CIR and range with LOS and NLOS
AU - Valentín Barral
PY - 2020
PB - IEEE Dataport
UR - 10.21227/sr92-6s06
ER -
Valentín Barral. (2020). Pozyx CIR and range with LOS and NLOS. IEEE Dataport.
Valentín Barral, 2020. Pozyx CIR and range with LOS and NLOS. Available at:
Valentín Barral. (2020). "Pozyx CIR and range with LOS and NLOS." Web.
1. Valentín Barral. Pozyx CIR and range with LOS and NLOS [Internet]. IEEE Dataport; 2020. Available from :
Valentín Barral. "Pozyx CIR and range with LOS and NLOS." doi: 10.21227/sr92-6s06