Comparison of IEEE 1584-2018 Predictions with Tests on Real-World Equipment

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Tom Short
Last updated:
Tue, 05/17/2022 - 22:21
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Here is the paper abstract:

IEEE 1584-2018 contains a significant update to industry models for predicting the incident energy from arc flash. These models include different box sizes, voltages, and electrode geometries. Predictions from these models are compared to tests on medium-voltage equipment. Equipment includes circuit-breaker cabinets, live-front switches, and live-front transformers. Results show what input assumptions are most applicable for each type of equipment (including vertical and horizontal electrodes). For some equipment, particularly with horizontal electrodes, the 1584-2018 predictions underpredicted measurements of incident energy, so multiplier factors may be needed.

The dataset includes measurements from test results and corresponding predictions from IEEE 1584-2018.


Medium-Voltage Arc-Flash Data Analysis

Tom Short,

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The main code is in:

  • paper-analysis.jl

The data is in three CSV files. These files contain measurements and predictions of incident energies. Each row of the file is one test. Key variables in each file are shown.

  1. epri.csv -- EPRI tests of MV equipment with predictions based on IEEE 1584-2018
  • V -- system voltage, kV (L-L)
  • Ib -- bolted fault current, kA
  • gap_mm -- electrode gap, mm
  • D_mm -- working distance, mm
  • t -- duration, msec
  • Ia -- predicted arcing current, kA
  • IE -- predicted incident energy, cal/cm²
  • config -- test configuration (EPRI HCB, EPRI Transformer, EPRI VCB, ...)
  • Iameas -- measured average arcing current, kA
  • IEmeas -- measured incident energy, cal/cm²
  • joules -- arc energy, J
  1. ieeeall.csv -- Test data from IEEE/NFPA used to develop IEEE 1584-2018
  • Lab -- test site
  • config -- VCB, HCB, ...
  • Voc -- system voltage, kV (L-L)
  • Ibf -- bolted fault current, kA
  • gap_mm -- electrode gap, mm
  • D_mm -- working distance, mm
  • t -- duration, msec
  • width_in -- box width, in
  • height_in -- box height, in
  • depth_in -- box depth, in
  • Iameas -- measured average arcing current, kA
  • IEmeas -- measured incident energy, cal/cm²
  1. hcb.csv -- Combined EPRI and IEEE/NFPA dataset for HCB configurations
  • Ib -- bolted fault current, kA
  • gap_mm -- electrode gap, mm
  • d_mm -- working distance, mm
  • t -- duration, msec
  • height_in -- box height, in
  • config -- test configuration (EPRI HCB or EPRI VCB)
  • iameas -- measured arcing current, kA
  • iemeas -- incident energy measured, cal/cm²
  • joules -- arc energy, J
  • energyratio -- ratio of incident energy to arc energy, cal/cm²/MJ

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