Open Access
Blood Pressure and DIetary Calcium intake in Rural and Urban population (source , CHNS)

- Citation Author(s):
- Submitted by:
- Victorine Raiss...
- Last updated:
- Thu, 12/12/2019 - 06:11
- DOI:
- 10.21227/yff3-hj04
- License:
- Categories:
These data was used to find out the relationship between Blood pressure, Hypertension Occurence and Dietary Calcum intake in Rural and Urban located populations.
Data Source : China Health and Nutrition SUrvey
Data Dictionnary
Relationship between Dietary Calcium, Blood Pressure and Hypertension occurrence in Rural and Urban populations: Analysis of longitudinal data from the China Health and Nutrition Survey (CHNS)
The present document is submitted along with its data spreadsheet where variables are presented into codes or abbreviations. The following lines will present the variables units, range categorization, and meanings.
Id: Participants Identification Numbers in each Survey year
Age : Participants Age at each year of survey
Location: participants’ living location; 1 for Urban Location and 2 for Rural Location
Gender: Participants’ Gender
Nation: Participants’ Nationalities
Waves: Survey years, starting from 2000 to 2009; there are 4 survey’s in all, 2000, 2004, 2006, and 2009.
Smoking: Participants’ smoking status categorized into two; 0 for Non-smokers and 1 for Smokers
Alcohol: Alcohol consumption frequency per week; 1 unit represents 1 glass of alcohol drink.
DgHBP: Hypertension Diagnostics report; 0 for No Hypertension diagnostic report, 1 for Any Diagnostic report.
SBP : 3 times mean Systolic Blood pressure measurement for each participant
DBP: 3 times mean Diastolic Blood pressure measurement for each participant
BMI: Participants’ Body Mass Index calculating using participants’ Weight and Height in the Adolphe Quetelet Formula[i]
NRG: Participants’ Energy intake expressed in Kcal
DietCa: Participants’ Dietary Calcium Intake expressed in mg
Met_m: Physical activity expressed in hours per week
[i]Weight (Cm)/[Height (m)]2
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