HHU-N-back Task EEG Dataset

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Submitted by:
Xu Yan
Last updated:
Wed, 03/12/2025 - 04:39
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This study investigated neural mechanisms underlying working memory by employing a visual n-back task with graded cognitive load (0-back to 3-back). Ten healthy volunteers (6 males, 4 females; mean age 23.3 ± 0.9 years) participated, performing a spatial matching task where they judged whether the current position of a displayed square matched the position presented n trials earlier, responding via keypress ("V" for match, "N" for non-match). EEG signals were recorded using a NeuroScan system with SynAmps2 amplifiers at a 1,000 Hz sampling rate, following the 10-20 international electrode placement standard. The experimental design leveraged positional matching across incremental memory loads to dissociate cognitive effort and generate standardized behavioral and neural datasets.

  1. Subjects

    • 10 healthy volunteers (6 males, 4 females; age: 23.3 ± 0.9 years).
    • No history of neurological/psychiatric disorders.
    • Ethical approval obtained from Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital (IRB: 2024-050-01).
  2. ​Experimental Design

    • ​Task: Visual n-back paradigm (0-back to 3-back).
      • ​0-back: Respond to fixed predefined position (minimal cognitive load).
      • ​1-back: Match current position to previous trial.
      • ​2-back: Match current position to two trials prior.
      • ​3-back: Match current position to three trials prior (highest cognitive load).
    • ​Stimuli:
      • 1-second display per trial, preceded by 500 ms blank screen.
      • Total trials: 800 per participant (2 sub-experiments × 100 trials × 4 conditions).
    • ​Randomization: Sub-experiment order randomized to mitigate task-order effects.
  3. ​Data Acquisition

    • ​EEG System: NeuroScan with SynAmps2 amplifier.
    • ​Parameters:
      • Sampling rate: 1000 Hz.
      • Electrodes: 56 channels (10-20 international system).
    • ​Dataset Details:
      • Categories: 4 (0-/1-/2-/3-back).
      • Trials: 7736.
      • Time steps: 900 per trial.

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