Blast Furnace Ironmaking Process Monitoring with Time-Constrained Global and Local Nonlinear Analytic Stationary Subspace Analysis

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Siwei Lou
Last updated:
Tue, 01/17/2023 - 03:50
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In this paper, a novel time-constrained global and local nonlinear analytic stationary subspace analysis (Tc-GLNASSA) is proposed to enhance blast furnace ironmaking process (BFIP) monitoring. Although existing analytic stationary subspace analysis method has been available for deriving process consistent relationships. However, the presence of complex nonlinear, periodic nonstationary and time-varying smelting conditions renders the satisfactory estimation of stationary projections unattainable. To this end, we leverage multiple kernel functions and manifold learning methods to establish an estimate for the global and local nonlinear structure with time constraints, which will identify the unique nonlinearities excited by periodic nonstationarity. Meanwhile, a singular value decomposition-based modeling efficiency promotion strategy is constructed to reduce the proposed Tc-GLNASSA's computational complexity significantly. The orthogonality of model update scheme is analyzed theoretically, and an overall BFIP monitoring framework is given. Ultimately, practical BFIP case studies fully demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposal.


Data of Tc-GLNASSA


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Submitted by qiucheng ye on Wed, 01/31/2024 - 08:54

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