object classification

The second set of concealed objects are the pistol and the wrench. The position of the wrench is on the top layer, and the pistol is on the bottom layer. The light blue part is the perimeter of the cardboard box, the red part is the pistol, and the orange part is the wrench. The results of object classification, where the concealed objects are boxed, and the object classification outcomes are displayed beneath the box, all of which are correctly classified.


The reconstruction results from four-sided scanning using our previously developed MMW point cloud reconstruction algorithm are illustrated. The light blue part is the perimeter of the cardboard box, the pink part is the scissors, the dark blue part is the knife, and the red part is the hammer. The results show that even though the objects overlap each other, the reconstruction results of four-sided scanning can still get the rough outline of each object, which is unachievable with 2D imaging.


The zizania image dataset consists of a total of 4900 zizanias. The quantity of high quality samples is 2648 and defective quality samples is 2252.

There are four classes in the apple image dataset, which are apples with a diameter greater than 90 mm, between 80 mm and 90 mm, less than 80 mm, and diseases and insect pests. The quantity distributionin above categories are 3647 (51.19%), 2464 (34.59%), 558 (7.83%), 455 (6.39%).
