Nonlinear characterization

Nonlinear distortion is critical for optical communication systems with a high baud rate and a high-order modulation format. Thus, a simple and accurate method to measure the nonlinear distortion is highly desired. Although simple notch, which directly removes the certain frequency components of nonlinear system input and then measures the re-growth components of nonlinear system output, is straightforward to measure nonlinear distortion, it is only applicable to the Gaussian signal.
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Today, the anywhere, anyhow and anytime application scenarios of 5G system force designer to challenge on electromagnetic interference (EMI) requirements. Despite the technological progress, relevant test techniques are necessary to minimize the future communication system EMI risk. In this paper, the EMI characterization from nonlinearity (NLT) of 5G system Gallium Nitride (GaN) power amplifier (PA) is studied. Firstly, the PA NLT is evaluated by 1-dB/3-dB/6-dB compression point and 3rd-order intermodulation distortion (IMD3).
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