Medical Ultrasound Imaging

Ultrasound (US) provides non-invasive visualization of tissue morphology for musculoskeletal disorders. Spatial Frequency Analysis (SFA) of US images quantitatively characterizes tissue morphology, and has shown the ability to distinguish healthy from pathological tendons. However, the impact of US machine settings on SFA for tendon pathology remains underexplored. Methods: Five participants with unilateral supraspinatus tendon partial tears were imaged bilaterally to examine how variations in US settings (frequency, dynamic range, gain) influence SFA parameters.


Elastography is a non-invasive technique to detect tissue anomalies via the local elastic modulus using shear waves. Commonly shear waves are produced via acoustic focusing or the use of mechanical external sources, shear waves may result also naturally from cavitation bubbles during medical intervention, for example from thermal ablation. Here, we measure the shear wave emitted from a well-controlled single laser-induced cavitation bubble oscillating near a rigid boundary. The bubbles are generated in a transparent tissue-mimicking hydrogel embedded with tracer particles.
