Hyperspectral image

The database consists of 32 scenes, divided into 5 sections. Each scene has an associated zip file. These zip files include full spectral resolution reflectance data from 400nm to 700nm at 10nm steps (31 bands total). Each band is stored as a 16-bit grayscale PNG image. Image filenames are of the format 'object_ms_01.png', where the '01' at the end signifies that this is the first image (captured at 400nm). Thus, '02' corresponds to 410nm, and so on, until '31' for 700nm.


The SPYSTUF hyperspectral data contains high spatial and spectral resolution Aisa Eagle II (visible to near infrared, 400-900 nm) airborne imaging spectrometer above a Hyytiälä forest research station hosting the SMEAR II (Station for Measuring Ecosystem-Atmosphere Relations, 61°50' N, 24°17' E) on 3 July 2015. The spectral resolution of the data is 4.6 nm, and the spatial resolution 0.6 m.


This database is a image set of a strongest glint-affected region of inland water Capivara reservoir, Brazil. We carried out a flight survey in September 2016 on the confluence region of the Tibagi and Paranapanema Rivers. We use the hyperspectral camera manufactured by Rikola, model FPI2014, wich collect 25 spectral bands at following intervals and full widths at half maximum (FWHM), both expressed in nanometers (nm):

