evaluation methodology

This dataset comprises two main components: student performance records and competition participation details, designed to support the research outlined in the manuscript titled "The Integration of Technology and Education: An Innovative Research on the Evaluation System of College Students’ Programming Ability." The dataset includes detailed information on academic performance and competition outcomes for 307 college students. The data.xlsx file contains multiple sheets, with Sheet1 providing comprehensive academic records for each student.


The "RetroRevMatchEvalICIP16" dataset provides a retrospective reviewer recommendation dataset and evaluation for IEEE ICIP 2016. The methodology via which the recommendations were obtained and the evaluation was performed is described in the associated paper.

Y. Zhao, A. Anand, and G. Sharma, “Reviewer recommendations using document vector embeddings and a publisher database: Implementation and evaluation,” IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp. 21 798–21 811, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3151640
