electricity consumption

Buildings are combined into objects (building complex).

"Energy consumption 2019 till 2022 by months" csv file consists of the total readings of the objects' electricity consumption every month from January 2019 to September 2022. This file includes information of ​​each object area in square meters.

Hourly consumption in facilities is available for the period from September 2020 to September 2022.

Energy consumption in all files is given in kWh.


The AMPds dataset has been release to help load disaggregation/NILM and eco-feedback researcher test their algorithms, models, systems, and prototypes. This dataset is intended to be multi-year capture of the consumption of my house. This dataset contains electricity, water, and natural gas measurements at one minute intervals. This dataset contains a total of 1,051,200 readings for 2 years of monitoring (from April/2012 to March/2014) per meter. There are a total of 21 power meters, 2 water meters (with additional appliance usage annotations), and 2 natural gas meters.
