color fractal images
The color fractal images with correlated RGB color components were generated using the midpoint displacement alogrithm, using vectorial increments in the RGB color space, according to a multivariate Gaussian distribution specified by the variance-covariance matrix. This data set contains two sets of 25 color fractal images with two color components, of varying complexity expressed as the color fractal dimension, as a function of (i) the Hurst coefficient that was varied from 0.1 to 0.9 in steps of 0.2 and (ii) the correlation coefficient between the red and green color channels.
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The dataset consists of subjective evaluations of 44 naive observers judging the visual complexity of 16 images. The subjective judgments were done using a 5-point Likert-type scale with a neutral midpoint. The items in the scale were “very complex,” “complex,” “medium,” “simple,” and “very simple.” The order of the images was randomized for every participant.
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The color fractal images with independent RGB color components were generated using the midpoint displacement alogrithm, applied independenlty on each RGB color component. This data set contains 9 images of varying complexity, expressed as the color fractal dimension, as a function of the Hurst coefficient that was varied from 0.1 to 0.9 in steps of 0.1. Each fractal object was independently rendered as a color image. The data set is intented to be used as a reference data set for color texture complexity analysis when considering fractal dimension estimation.
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