This supplementary document provides a comprehensive explanation of the coupled rate and transport model used to calculate the scintillation dynamics in Ce-doped CLLBC crystals. The model includes a set of partial differential equations that describe the behavior of charge carriers, excitons, and their interactions within the crystal lattice. These equations account for key processes such as diffusion, trapping, recombination, and nonlinear quenching. Details on parameter selection, including energy loss rates for neutron and gamma excitation, are presented.


This data set contains the refractive index and reflectivity, emission intensity, and absorption length data for various materials utilitised in a SiPM-based Geant4 simulation platform. This simulation platform consists of the scintillation detector SiPM-3000 from Bridgeport Instruments, which contains a scintillator optically bonded to a silicon photomultiplier (SiPM) array within the detector housing. Scintillator crystals included in this study consist of GAGG:Ce, CLLBC:Ce, BGO, NaI:Tl, and CsI:Tl.
