Artificial Intelligence; Machine Learning; Pelagic Fish; Classification

Pelagic fish such as mackerel are a source of protein in Indonesia. However, there is no decapterus macarellus as an open dataset for image processing using various classification algorithms. Where its use includes the sensor-assisted sorting process in checking fresh fish and rotten fish. For this reason, this study aims to provide a classification model for pelagic fish and their primary datasets which is available for free on the IEEE data port. Artificial intelligence is used in the process of guided classification with the help of ground truth for the preparation of fish classes.


Pelagic fish such as mackerel are a source of protein in Indonesia. However, there is no decapterus macarellus as an open dataset for image processing using various classification algorithms. Where its use includes the sensor-assisted sorting process in checking fresh fish and rotten fish. For this reason, this study aims to provide a classification model for pelagic fish and their primary datasets which is available for free on the IEEE data port. Artificial intelligence is used in the process of guided classification with the help of ground truth for the preparation of fish classes.
