Uploading an Open Access Dataset on IEEE DataPort



Data Competition Requirements

To submit a Standard Dataset on IEEE DataPort, the following components are required:

  • Dataset Author(s)
  • Title
  • Category
  • Abstract
  • Instructions
  • Dataset file(s) - Note: you may initially submit your Standard Dataset without dataset. However, IEEE DataPort may unpublish dataset entries if files are not uploaded in a timely fashion.



  1. Login to IEEE DataPort (the login link is located in the upper right of the website). Note:  If you do not currently have an IEEE login, please register for a free IEEE account here.
  2. Go to SUBMIT A DATASET at the top of the IEEE DataPort home page.
  3. Select Submit an Open Access Dataset
  4. Complete the required inputs under Metadata, Abstract & Image, Documentation & Instructions, and Upload Your Dataset Files. Please see 'What fields are available on the Submit a Dataset form?' for more information including tips on dataset uploads. 
  5. Review Terms of Use* using the link provided and indicated agree to IEEE DataPort Terms of Use by checking the box at the bottom of the form; your Data Competition dataset cannot be uploaded until you agree to the IEEE DataPort Terms of Use.
  6. Click Submit at the bottom of the page after all required fields have been entered.


After Submitting your Dataset

  • A DOI will be generated for your Open Access Dataset and will appear in the top section of the dataset page.
  • If you haven’t already uploaded (or update) your dataset, click the UPLOAD YOUR DATASET button to get to a screen which allows you to select and upload the actual dataset file.  



IEEE DataPort™ is designed to assist all members of the global technical community host and easily administer Data Competitions.  A Data Competition is a time-limited challenge in which a dataset is provided and members of the global technical community are invited to provide a specific analysis or make predications based on the dataset.   Participation in the Data Competition is managed by the Data Competition initiator and can be open to all members of the global technical community or limited to a specific set of participants. 

IEEE DataPort supports efficient hosting of Data Competitions and enables:

  • easy initiation and administration of the Data Competition, including control of the Data Competition duration
  • acceptance of analysis results in IEEE DataPort so Data Competition results are consolidated and easily evaluated,
  • effective management of Data Competition participation.


IEEE DataPort Open Access Dataset Features

  • By selecting Open Access Dataset, you are choosing to make your dataset available at no cost to all users of IEEE DataPort (does not require a user to be an IEEE DataPort subscriber). Many datasets associated with government-funded research may be required to be submitted as Open Access. There is a growing trend to make data available on an open access basis around the globe. Refer to your data management requirements.
  • IEEE DataPort datasets will be provided with a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) and stored in Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) file storage.
  • Up to 2TB of storage or 10 TB for Institutional Subscribers for each dataset.
  • Citation Generator: Citations are generated in popular citation formats.
  • Embedding: Datasets may be embeded on your website, blog, or other online resources. 
  • ORCID ID:  Citation authors can be input with respective ORCID identifiers and this will enable authors to have the dataset asset included in their ORCID list of assets.  
  • Comments: registered users may submit comments and questions on the Data Competition page(s)
  • Private Messages: registered users may submit private messages to competition leads

Help Topics

Uploading Datasets

Detailed guidance on how to upload and manage research data.

Searching, Accessing & Analyzing Datasets

See how to find, site, and analyze specific datasets.

Hosting & Participating in Data Competitions

Everything you need to know about Data Competitions on IEEE DataPort.

IEEE DataPort Subscriptions

Learn how to become an individual or institutional subscriber.