What fields are available on the Submit a Dataset form?

    1. Dataset Authors*: Enter the author information for your dataset for the purposes of citation. Please include First Name, Last Name, ORCID (optional), and Affiliation (optional). 
    2. Title of Dataset*
    3. Category*: Select one or more categories that the dataset should reside in.
    4. Keywords: – Enter keywords to help users find your competition.
    5. Data Format: enter format of dataset file (e.g. CSV, TXT, ORC, Avro, XML, SQL, JSON, XLSX); for ZIP and GZIP files, indicate the format of the included files.
    6. Related Dataset: if your dataset is related to another IEEE DataPort dataset, please enter the title of the related dataset in this field (autocomplete available)
    7. Links: Enter links to external documentation, data sources, project pages, author homepage, etc.  To add more than one link, click “Add Another Link” button.
    1. Dataset Image: Enter image for your dataset to improve dataset appearance and identification on IEEE DataPort; choose image file and hit Upload button.
    2. Abstract*: Enter an abstract for dataset in the required Abstract field.
    1. Documentation*: Data Competition administrator may upload documents which contain additional instructional information for the Data Competition; choose file and hit Upload button; formats allowed include pdf, txt, docx, doc, and md.
    2. Instructions*: Enter detailed instructions to enable Data Competition participants to be able to understand and participate in the data competition effectively.
    1. Dataset Files*: Upload one or more dataset files.  Dataset files may total up to 2 TB (or 10 TB for Institutional Subscribers). The following formats are currently supported: zip, gz, gzip, csv, json, txt, sql, xml, tsv, ebs, avro, orc, parquet, hdf5, 7z, tbz2, iso, tar, bz2, z, xls, xlsx, graph, properties, offsets, flac, ogg, wav, aac, mp3, gif, jpg, jpeg, png, avi, mov, mp4, mpg, m4v, yaml, dat, mat, fig. If your competition dataset consists of multiple files, you can again select ‘choose’ and ‘upload’ to upload additional files.
      • TIP: For large datasets, we recommend uploading a series of files that are 100 GB or less. This will make the upload process easier to manage, and will also enable users to more easily work with your files.
      • TIP: For datasets with a large number of files (>100), we recommend compressing your upload(s) using the ZIP and/or GZIP format. ZIP files may work best for users working on PCs. GZIP may work best for Linux users and those working with AWS big data solutions
    2. Scripts: Optionally, upload any scripts related to your dataset.

​All required inputs are shown with red asterisk.

See Uploading a Standard Dataset on IEEE DataPort for more information.

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Uploading Datasets

Detailed guidance on how to upload and manage research data.

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Everything you need to know about Data Competitions on IEEE DataPort.

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