Research data associated to crossover-mutation interaction balance experiment

Citation Author(s):
Tianjin University
Submitted by:
Ashenafi Mehahri
Last updated:
Wed, 08/09/2023 - 13:50
Data Format:
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This dataset was created and utilized for preparing an article submitted to the IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computtations. Based on critical review and experiment, the  article intends to shed some light on the  way crossover-mutation intraction balannce in GA could be comprehended in the view tthat current literature is short of providing generalized rule that guides determination of tha balance of the two operators across domains of problems. For the experiimental part of the work, we created a hypothetical spatial study area of 400 cells represented  by its cells centroid coordinates. The 400 cells have been populated by seven land use types and popullation density. the dataset also conttains neighborhood IDs of each land cell.   


The CSV file  contains ID of the 400 cells, land-uses dataset, population density dataset, neighborhoods ID dataset, and (X,y) centroids dataset. The file  can be  loaded into implementation algorithm as a CSV file 

Funding Agency: 
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The associated manuscript is submitted to IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computations for consideration for publication.

Submitted by Ashenafi Mehahri on Fri, 08/04/2023 - 18:09

The manuscript associated with this data has been submitted to IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation

Submitted by Ashenafi Mehahri on Fri, 08/04/2023 - 18:11