Process bus scalability with MU and emulated SV

Citation Author(s):
Posada Corrales
Submitted by:
Juan Posada Corrales
Last updated:
Wed, 02/26/2025 - 06:46
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This dataset presents the captures of data packets in Wireshark for the scalability analysis of the Process Bus in Digital Substations based on the traffic of Sampled Values, through connection in redundant local area networks (LAN A and LAN B). LAN A is a 100 Mbps network that is saturated close to 10 Sampled Values suscriptions, while LAN B is a 1Gbps network that is not saturated and is used as a reference for the loss of data packets in each case. Emulated SV data is provided by software and a laboratory signal injector. The same emulator software is used to simulate 40 Mbps traffic corresponding to the 40% reserve that the IEC 61850-90-4 application guide recommends for other protocols such as MMS and GOOSE, but this 40 Mbps traffic is not messaging in these protocols. The equipment and software used to obtain this dataset were provided by the Automation and Industrial Communications Laboratory of the Faculty of Mines at the National University of Colombia, Medellín campus (Laboratorio de Automatización y Comunicaciones Industriales, Facultad de Minas, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, sede Medellín)


CSV from Wireshark captures


CSV from Wireshark captures

Submitted by Milenke Field on Sat, 03/01/2025 - 14:03