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One Pass Evaluation and Area-Under-the-Curve Tracking results of the proposed tracker on OTB2015 dataset
- Citation Author(s):
- Wuwei Wang
- Submitted by:
- Wuwei Wang
- Last updated:
- Thu, 11/08/2018 - 10:34
- DOI:
- 10.21227/xkx6-mj05
- Data Format:
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We provide results of "Robust Visual Tracking Based on Adaptive Extraction and Enhancement of Correlation Filter" on OTB2015 dataset, including the results of proposed tracker with HOG, HOGCN, and deep CNN features.
Mat files with "Ours" are the results of our proposed tracker with HOG features.
Mat files with "Ours_HOGCN" are the proposed tracker with HOGCN features.
Mat files with "Ours_CNN" are the proposed tracker with deep CNN features.