Citation Author(s):
Johannes Kepler University
Certad Hernandez
Johannes Kepler University
Johannes Kepler University
Johannes Kepler University
del Re
Johannes Kepler University
Submitted by:
Pavlo Tkachenko
Last updated:
Tue, 09/13/2022 - 08:17
Data Format:
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The dataset contains drone measurements of traffic at highway entrances/exits in Austria and Italy. Main features:

  • In Austria, the recordings have been made from 300 m height and trajectories of 2521 cars, vans and trucks are extracted over a >600 m long road section
  • In Italy, the recordings have been made from 120 m height and trajectories of 2783 cars, vans, buses, motorbikes and trucks are extracted over a >200 m long road section
  • Data are provided in local (image-based) and global (road-based) coordinate systems and contatins positions, velocities and accelerations of all moving object

The data are provided in .csv format. Each file contains 17 columns with the following information:

  1. Frame number (an absolute value starting from 0)
  2. Time (starts with 0): an absolute time of the recording. In Austria the recordings are taken at 24 frames per second, in Italy – 30 frames per second
  3. Id (starts with 1): a unique id of each moving object
  4. x: longitudinal coordinate of a moving object in local (image-based) coordinate system
  5. y: lateral coordinate of a moving object in local (image-based) coordinate system
  6. vx: longitudinal velocity of a moving object in local (image-based) coordinate system
  7. vy: lateral velocity of a moving object in local (image-based) coordinate system
  8. ax: longitudinal acceleration of a moving object in local (image-based) coordinate system
  9. ay: lateral acceleration of a moving object in local (image-based) coordinate system
  10. laneID:  a unique id of a lane at which the moving object is located. The most left lane starts with number 1, reference lane 2, acceleration strip 4, feeder lane 14, deceleration strip 3, and exit lane 13. The direction is defined by the laneId's sign
  11. s: longitudinal coordinate of a moving object in global (road-based) coordinate system
  12. n: lateral coordinate of a moving object in global (road-based) coordinate system
  13. vs: longitudinal velocity of a moving object in global (road-based) coordinate system
  14. vn: lateral velocity of a moving object in global (road-based) coordinate system
  15. as: longitudinal acceleration of a moving object in global (road-based) coordinate system
  16. an: lateral acceleration of a moving object in global (road-based) coordinate system
  17. class: class of a moving object. c – car, v – van, t – truck, b – bus, m – motorbike.