IEEE 802.11p Wireless Congestion and Jamming Experiments

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This data set provides complex-baseband samples of vehicle-to-vehicle communication (V2V) radios in the presence of primitive jamming signals. Up to 600 vehicles are simulated in this dataset using commerical IEEE 802.11p radios. Supporting example code found on CodeOcean can be used for developing novel physical layer based jamming detection and mitigation strategies using machine learning for ad hoc vehicular networks.


The dataset was captured using GNUradio File Sink object block, which wrote the complex-baseband data as a .dat file full of float32s in IQIQIQ order. It is advised to use the read_complex_binary.m provided with the CodeOcean files. Once the complex-baseband files are brought into the Matlab workspace, standard signal processing methods can then be used for analyzing the data. V2V frames appear in the interference dataset as large spikes when viewing the magnitude of the signal. It is best to use the LiveScript accompanying the CodeOcean repository to get tutorial on how to work with the data. The data is segmented into various scenarios, except for the noise subset, a numerical value in the file name indicates the number of vehicles simulated. For example, in /interference 2radio.dat contains captures of two V2V radios broadcasting Basic Safety Messages (BSMs) at a rate of 10Hz each. The sampling rate for this data set is 1MHz. Thus within 1 million samples, one should expect to find 20 BSM spikes (10 per vehicle). If the filename is 600radio.dat, then the file contains a simulated 600 vehicles each broadcasting BSMs at a rate of 10 Hz. Thus within 1 million samples, one should expect to find 6,000 BSM spikes (10 per vehicle within a second).

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I need this dataset for my university project

Submitted by Ummara Khan on Wed, 04/26/2023 - 03:18