Standard Dataset
Experimental result of our BISR work

- Citation Author(s):
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- Last updated:
- Wed, 10/07/2020 - 06:51
- DOI:
- 10.21227/4s49-wk50
- Data Format:
- License:
experimental data
d695-u226 folders are benchmark name. It consists one C Source Code "Scheduling_Conected_Component.c" if it is executed it generates the scheduling result in out_<no. of cores>_<power threshold>_(new)read.txt, then using it the program also genrates the placement result in the file <No. of layers>_lyr.txt.
read.flp----> floorplan file
read.pwr----> power profile for cores
this folder consists the scheduling result of the earlier work by Hou et al. [1]. Here the memory configurations used for each of the benchmarks is same as d695-u226
[1] C.-S. Hou and J.-F. Li, “Allocation of RAM built-in self-repair circuits for SOC dies of 3D ICs,” in Proc. IEEE 31st VLSI Test Symposium (VTS), 2013, pp. 1–6.
this floder consists the rest nine comperative result with [1]. Here [12]_<no. of cores>_<power threshold>_(new)read.txt presents the schedling result done by Hou et al. and out_<no. of cores>_<power threshold>_(new)read.txt presents the schedling result done by us.
run.c executes the proposed.c's executable (our method) and [12].c's exectable (Hou et al.'s method)
Dataset Files
- experimental data of BISR (287.23 kB)
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