A dataset of cognitive collapse

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Submitted by:
Si Wang
Last updated:
Fri, 12/15/2023 - 07:04
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This dataset is developed to support research on early warning of pilots' cognitive collapse. It encompasses the recordings of 10 participants over 3 separate sessions in the simulated flight experiment paradigm. The experiment aims to elicit the pilots' cognitive collapse state and to early warn of the tipping points, for details you can refer to the paper "An Early Warning Approach for Pilots’ Cognitive Tipping Points Based Multi-modal Signals". Each trial consists of 3 stages that can induce cognitive states at low, medium, and high level with a cognitive collapse. The dataset includes EEG, eye movement, task performance data, and experimenter's recording. It has a total of 30 trials and is approximately 4.7G in size.


* EEG signal. EEG data was recorded using the 32-channel NeuSen W wireless digital EEG recording system at 1000 Hz, placed according to the international 10-20 system. It can be read and manipulated using libraries such as EEGLAB or MNE.

* Eye movement data. The eye movement data was recorded at 60 Hz using the Tobii Pro Nano eye-tracking device.

* Task performance data. The performance was recorded by MATB logs.

* Experimenter’s observation and subject’s perception. The NASA_TLX score was recorded by logs and the experimenter’s observation was recorded in the file "collapse_ob_per.txt".


Access data set

Submitted by elahe oveisi on Tue, 05/21/2024 - 11:28

Can I get the dataset?

Submitted by Arlene Zhou on Tue, 05/28/2024 - 02:02