
Citation Author(s):
Karthick Raghunath
Ravi Kumar
Submitted by:
K M Karthick Ra...
Last updated:
Sat, 08/05/2023 - 02:27
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The uploaded dataset appears to be related to various composite materials, and it includes the following columns:

Material Composition: Describes the composition of the material, such as "Polymer Matrix" or "Carbon Nanotubes." Fabrication Technique: Specifies the method used to fabricate the composite, like "Langmuir-Blodgett" or "Electrospinning." Tensile Strength (MPa): The tensile strength of the material in Mega Pascals (MPa). Thermal Conductivity (W/m·K): The thermal conductivity of the material in Watts per meter-Kelvin. Elastic Modulus (GPa): The elastic modulus of the material in Giga Pascals (GPa). Density (g/cm³): The density of the material in grams per cubic centimeter. Fiber Volume Fraction (%): The volume fraction of fibers in the composite, represented as a percentage.

Here are the summary statistics for the numerical features in the dataset:

Tensile Strength (MPa):

Count: 10,000 Mean: 999.12 MPa Standard Deviation: 288.29 MPa Min: 500.01 MPa Max: 1499.89 MPa Thermal Conductivity (W/m·K):

Count: 10,000 Mean: 30.18 W/m·K Standard Deviation: 11.52 W/m·K Min: 10.00 W/m·K Max: 50.00 W/m·K Elastic Modulus (GPa):

Count: 10,000 Mean: 149.46 GPa Standard Deviation: 57.80 GPa Min: 50.02 GPa Max: 249.98 GPa Density (g/cm³):

Count: 10,000 Mean: 2.00 g/cm³ Standard Deviation: 0.29 g/cm³ Min: 1.50 g/cm³ Max: 2.50 g/cm³ Fiber Volume Fraction (%):

Count: 10,000 Mean: 50.08% Standard Deviation: 5.78% Min: 40.00% Max: 60.00%

The frequency distribution of the categorical features is as follows:

Material Composition: Carbon Nanotubes: 3,354 occurrences Graphene: 3,347 occurrences Polymer Matrix: 3,299 occurrences Fabrication Technique: Electrospinning: 5,018 occurrences Langmuir-Blodgett: 4,982 occurrences The dataset seems to contain a fairly balanced distribution of different material compositions and fabrication techniques