Standard Dataset
Benchmark suite for "An Integrated Approach for Effective Injection Vulnerability Analysis of Web Applications through Security Slicing and Hybrid Constraint Solving"
- Citation Author(s):
- Julian Thomé, Lwin Khin Shar, Domenico Bianculli, Lionel Briand
- Submitted by:
- Julian Thome
- Last updated:
- Tue, 05/17/2022 - 22:17
- DOI:
- 10.21227/H2ZQ1N
- Research Article Link:
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This dataset is composed of the following benchmarks:
- JOACO-Suite is our homegrown benchmark composed of 11 open-source Java Web applications/services and security benchmark applications, with known XSS, XMLi, XPathi, LDAPi, and SQLi vulnerabilities.
- Pisa-Suite contains 12 constraints extracted from real-world Java sanitizer methods. These constraints have been used in the evaluation of the PISA system.
- AppScan-Suite contains 8 constraints derived from the security warnings emitted by IBM Security AppScan, a commercial vulnerability scanner tool, when executing on a set of popular websites. The generated warnings contain traces of program statements that reflect potentially vulnerable information flows.
- Kausler-Suite contains 120 constraints obtained from eight Java programs via dynamic symbolic execution. This benchmark has been used for evaluating four string constraint solvers in the context of symbolic execution.
- Cashew-Suite contains 394 distinct constraints obtained through the normalization of the constraints of the SMC/Kaluza benchmark by means of the Cashew tool.
- Stranger-Suite contains 9 constraints extracted from real-word PHP applications used in the evaluation of the Stranger tool.
Dataset Files
- Joaco benchmark suite joacosuite.tar.gz (46.59 kB)
- Pisa benchmark suite pisasuite.tar.gz (2.02 kB)
- AppScan benchmark suite appscansuite.tar.gz (2.20 kB)
- Kausler benchmark suite kauslersuite.tar.gz (2.82 MB)
- Cashew benchmark suite cashewsuite.tar.gz (85.90 kB)
- Stranger benchmark suite strangersuite.tar.gz (3.68 kB)