Anthorpometries for the prediction of metabolic ageing

Citation Author(s):
Diana L.A
Submitted by:
Zaira Pineda-Rico
Last updated:
Mon, 07/08/2024 - 15:58
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The recording data include the following anthropometries: age (AG), weight (WE), height (HE), body mass index (BMI), waist circumference (WA), waist/height ratio (WHT), arm circumference (AR), hip circumference (HP), systolic blood pressure (BSY), diastolic blood pressure (DSY), heart rate (HR); the health indicator: glucose (DX); and the following functional fitness parameters: muscle (MM), visceral fat (VF), body fat (BF), and body age (BA). Ageing (AGG) is the ratio AG/BA.


The recording data include the following anthropometries: age (AG), weight (WE), height (HE), body mass index (BMI), waist circumference (WA), waist/height ratio (WHT), arm circumference (AR), hip circumference (HP), systolic blood pressure (BSY), diastolic blood pressure (DSY), heart rate (HR); the health indicator: glucose (DX); and the following functional fitness parameters: muscle (MM), visceral fat (VF), body fat (BF), and body age (BA). Ageing (AGG) is the ratio AG/BA.

Weight, BMI, MM, MA, VF, BF and BA were obtained from the BIA results using an Omron HBF-514C body monitor. This device sends electrical currents through the hands using electrodes that are held by the individual with both hands, and through the feet using electrodes placed on the surface of the scale. Participants were asked not to exercise and to fast on the day of the test (including coffee). BP was measured using an inflatable cuff with a gauge around the arm that gives a measure in millimeters of mercury (mmHg). The device measures diastolic (BDI) and systolic (BSY) blood pressure. WA, HP and AR circumferences were measured using a tape measure, in centimeters. Heart rate or pulse was measured at the wrist on the radial artery, in beats per minute.

WHR is computed as waist circumference divided by height measurement, in centimeters. GLU was measured using a blood sugar meter, with a sample of blood from the fingertip, in millimoles per liter (mmol/L).

The status of "aged" was used as the objective or label, which was determined according to the ratio between the body age and the real age of the subject. That is, if the AGG > 1.0, then the subject is considered "aged".


can you upload the datasets

Submitted by Keerthana Allam on Tue, 01/21/2025 - 23:22

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