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We propose a practical method to construct sparse integer-constrained cone singularities with low distortion constraints for conformal parameterizations. Our solution for this combinatorial problem is a two-stage procedure that first enhances sparsity for generating an initialization and then optimizes to reduce the number of cones and the parameterization distortion. Central to the first stage is a progressive process to determine the combinatorial variables, i.e., numbers, locations, and angles of cones.


We propose a practical method to construct sparse integer-constrained cone singularities with low distortion constraints for conformal parameterizations. Our solution for this combinatorial problem is a two-stage procedure that first enhances sparsity for generating an initialization and then optimizes to reduce the number of cones and the parameterization distortion. Central to the first stage is a progressive process to determine the combinatorial variables, i.e., numbers, locations, and angles of cones.
