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Datasets & Competitions

This repo contains data and code that has been used for the publication ” Methodology for the Techno-economic Assessment of Medium-Voltage Photovoltaic Prosumers Under Net-Metering Policy” submitted @ IEEE Access. (The full reference should be added in close future.)
This work is an extension of the paper “Viability Assessment of PV Systems in University Campuses Under the Net-Metering Policy” that has been presented in the 2020 55th International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC).


This dataset includes high-resolution (1 s) power and reactive power profiles of household appliances. The dataset consists of ground truth data from a European household, laboratory measurements and few artificial created data. Specifically, the dataset includes data for TV, washing machine, toaster, iron, hairdryer, dish washer, PC, refrigerator, air-conditioner unit, range, dryer, heat pump (different modes of operation), BEV, water heater, light bulb and always-on load profiles.
