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In this dataset, the simulation files of some examples present in the paper "The Power-Oriented Graphs Modeling Technique: From the Fundamental Principles to the Systematic, Step-By-Step Modeling of Complex Physical Systems" are reported. The examples include an electrical system, an hydraulic system, and a DC motor driving an hydraulic pump. The files include ready-to-run Matlab/Simulink simulation files of the system and a report containing the model and and simulation results.  


A new rootlocus algorithm is proposed for the construction of the root locus of dynamic systems. The “rootlocus.m” function implements the proposed algorithm. The “rootlocus.m” function takes as input the numerator “Num” and the denominator “Den” of the loop gain function characterizing the considered dynamic system. The user may also provide a third input “kk”, which is the vector containing the desired values for the control parameter “K” of the feedback system. If not provided, a default choice is assumed for vector containg the values for the control parameter “K”.


This dataset contains two subjects. The first one is a Matlab App created for PMSMs (Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors) parameters estimation, both in the electrical and in the mechanical energetic domains. The second one is a generalized PMSM Simulink superblock equipped with a user-friendly interface allowing to select options and to input the model parameters. The Matlab App and the PMSM superblock can be easily interfaced with each other.
