wind power forecast

This dataset comprises actual measurement data collected from a wind farm located in Xinjiang, China. It includes a range of parameters essential for understanding wind energy potential and environmental conditions. The data features wind speeds recorded at various heights—10 meters, 30 meters, 50 meters, and 70 meters—measured in meters per second (m/s). Additionally, the dataset includes wind direction at these same heights, recorded in degrees (°).


To ensure brevity, the main manuscript provides an abridged version of the scenario evaluation methodology and results. First, this supplementary material provides a discussion of the DM-test procedure employed and its validity. A detailed discussion and specific references related to the procedure applied to test the statistical significance in the improvement of the multivariate scores are presented. Then, the CC-ERCO formulation details, related SG evaluation procedure, and additional results are presented and outlined in more detail, supplementing the main article.
