
These controller design and simulation files correspond to the paper "A Multivariable Controller in Synchronous Frame Integrating Phase-Locked Loop to Enhance Performance of Three-Phase Grid-connected Inverters in Weak Grids" which presents a new current controller in the synchronous reference frame and its associated design for enhancing the performance of three-phase grid-connected inverters, especially against weak-grid conditions.
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The switching cell with switching frequency modulation (SC-SFM) has several benefits with respect to power conversion. Some of the most important features are those present in the boost variation, denominated as interleaved boost converter with switching frequency modulation (IBC-SFM). The converter conciliates some CCM characteristics, such as, continual conduction in the input inductor and limited current effort in the active components, with characteristics of some DCM converters, such as, resistive behavior for the input, soft-switching and no reverse recovery for the diodes.
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The LCL filter design procedure presented here is similar to that presented in references [1] and [2]. Here, the procedure is presented in a step-by-step way and the simulation file is freely available on http://busarello.prof.ufsc.br/
[1] Teodorescu, R. ; Liserre, M. ; Rodriguez, P. . Grid Converters for Photovoltaic and Wind Power Systems. 2011, Wiley.
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