Image Processing

The date fruit dataset was created to address the requirements of many applications in the pre-harvesting and harvesting stages. The two most important applications are automatic harvesting and visual yield estimation. The dataset is divided into two subsets and each of them is oriented into one of these two applications. The first dataset consists of 8079 images of more than 350 date bunches captured from 29 date palms. The date bunches belong to five date types: Naboot Saif, Khalas, Barhi, Meneifi, and Sullaj.


Occlusion, glare and secondary reflections formed due to and on the spectacles - results in poor detection, localization, and recognition of eye/face features. We term all the problems related to the usage of spectacles as The spectacle problem. Though several studies on the spectacle detection and removal have been reported in the literature, the study focusing on spectacle problem removal is very limited. One of the main reasons being, the nonavailability of a facial image database highlighting the spectacle problems.

